Dental Health

Oral & Dental Health

Teeth Problems

Abscessed Tooth

A tooth abscess is an accumulation of inflammation due to infection in or near the tooth. Tooth abscess generally occurs as a result of insufficient oral care and it is a common condition that impairs dental health. Abscesses cause pain and redness around the tooth.

Wisdom Teeth

Most people have a total of four wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth that have erupted without problems help to chew like other teeth. But sometimes, wisdom teeth can cause problems when they erupt or remain embedded in the jaw.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth are the third molars that have not fully erupted into the oral cavity. In this case, wisdom teeth can press on neighboring teeth, causing pressure pain in that area. The most common symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth are pain and sensitivity in the area.

Non-Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The erupted wisdom tooth is a tooth that erupts or is trying to erupt, usually between the ages of 17 and 25, in the back part of the jaw. This tooth, which is sometimes a serious dental health problem for many people, can affect daily life due to the pain it causes, even if it erupts.

Wisdom Teeth Problems

Wisdom teeth, which cannot fully erupt, press on the tooth in front of them, and crooked teeth occur. The gums on them become inflamed due to the escape of food residues and bacterial growth. As a result, pain, swelling, abscess occur and favorable conditions for caries occur.

Gum Problems

Gum Disease

We call the inflammation of the gums that surrounds and supports the tooth, which may progress to the bone as gum disease. It is caused by bacteria in the sticky and colorless plaque that often forms on the teeth. Gum disease occurs at any age, but mostly in adults. Gingivitis accounts for most gum problems and can cause adverse effects on overall dental health.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are common, although not given enough attention. The main cause of bleeding gums is plaque buildup on the gum line. Because, normally, healthy gums do not bleed easily. Gum bleeding seriously threatens a person’s dental health. It can cause decay or loss of even healthy teeth.

Receding Gums

Gum recession is the retraction of the gingival tissue surrounding the tooth, exposing the tooth or tooth root. In this case, the root surfaces, which are more yellowish than the teeth, expose. One of the important symptoms of gingival recession is tooth sensitivity.

Pregnancy Gingivitis

We see gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) at varying rates among pregnant women. Changes in the levels of sex hormones during pregnancy increase the sensitivity of the gingival tissue. Birth control drugs, with the same effect, cause gingival irritation and plaque-related gingivitis.

Jaw Problems

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder

TMJ disorders refer to conditions caused by the jawbone, jaw joint, and jaw muscles not working together properly. Specifically, TMJ is a short form of the “temporomandibular joint”. Jaw joint disorders occur over a long period of time unless they are directly related to trauma. TMDs are the most common cause of jaw pain, accounting for a significant portion of jaw problems.

Narrow Upper Jaw

The “narrow upper jaw” is the insufficient development of the upper jaw, compared to the lower jaw, not reaching sufficient width. Accordingly, in cases where this disorder is observed, the upper teeth are closed in such a way that they remain inside the lower teeth.

Small Lower Jaw

In some people, during the growth period, the lower jaw cannot follow the growth rate of the upper jaw and lags behind. Consequently, the most anterior point of the lower jaw falls behind the front line of the face. We call this micrognathia.

Dental Treatments

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is the removal of the small, thread-shaped tissue in the center of the tooth, namely the pulp. Many years ago, decayed or damaged teeth had to be extracted. But today, with these dental treatments, even teeth that are in a condition to be lost can be saved.

Tooth Fillings

A filling is the restoration of a cavity with a substance after the removal of decay or damage in the tooth. With these dental treatments, damaged teeth are restored to their normal function and appearance. Dentists use various materials for tooth fillings.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that dentists place in the jawbone instead of missing teeth or to support dentures. Screws, usually made of titanium, are placed in the jawbone. Therefore, the dental implant is a surgical procedure.